Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Yummy Dollars

Some of us do it without thinking about it. We go on our usual grocery trip and get those cute little multi packs of chips for the kids' lunch. They're convient, and everybody's happy, except your wallet. Resist the temptation. What you get in volume is usually about half of what you'd get in a regular sized bag, and costs nearly, if not, twice as much.

Block the whining out of your head, (half the time when you say something they do it to you, so I'm sure you can manage). Go for two or three regular sized bags, a box of sealable sandwich bags and some chip clips. It may take a few extra minutes when packing lunches, but, you can always have the kids prepare their chips themselves. For the little ones, the excitement of helping pack their own lunches the night prior often can outweigh the idea of the prepackaged little bags.

Best savings...

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