Friday, June 27, 2008

Round Em Up!

I can't do it now, (I'll let you guess why). But I used to make it a point when I made entries in my checkbook, to round purchases up to the next dollar, and deposits down. Your reason to do so may be to save money. My original reason was to cover my butt just in case I lost a receipt or forgot to list a check I wrote. Remember, I've over drafted before, and I was terrified to do it again.

It can be extremely helpful if you don't touch it, and just let it build. And quite frankly, amazing to watch how quickly it grows. It might even save you a lot of headache in the long run should you have an unexpected expense. It's an easy way to save, but also it makes balancing your checkbook much easier. So, from doing something very simple, there are lots of benefits.

Best Savings...

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