Sunday, November 23, 2008

Forgotten Movies

Yes, we all love them, but did you ever stop to wonder how much extra money you spend on movies per month? That's right, go ahead and add up all those ticket receipts, with overpriced theater food, Block Buster receipts and cable On Demand movie charges, plus taxes of course. Then, go to the library. Yes, the good 'ol library. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, many of us forget that such a place even exists, and more so, that for most of us, we pay to keep those places going.

Recently, I've resorted to getting movies there, rather than paying anywhere from $.99 to $3.99 to rent just one video. And if you order through your cable service, it's likely that you'll only be able to to view your movie for 24 hours. It's true that some libraries have short lists, or that if you happen to be a huge movie buff, that no matter how big the selection, you've seen everything they have, or have you? And in many cases, there are not very many new titles available, but it wouldn't hurt to look, would it?

In the past two weeks, I've watched at least ten movies for the first time that I picked up from the library. Yes, I know, I have too much time on my hands. But consider that escapism through a well told story, which I don't have to actually read, is better than the alternative. And I keep my money in my pocket at the same time, so it's double the reward.

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Preventive Measures

Yes, we hate to do it, and it often feels like a waste of time, but get those scheduled tune ups and oil changes. Because, in the end, I'm sure you'd appreciate losing 20 minutes, an hour here and there, rather than anywhere from $500 - 2,000 for repairs. And even after getting repairs, sometimes vehicles never really recoup. And frankly, most of us can't afford to lose that kind of money, let alone even consider it as extra. Not to mention, I know there are people out there, who will drive their vehicles into the ground, then wonder why the repairs would be more than the car is worth.

And while on the subject, consider cleaning out your computer and defragmenting every 6 months to a year, dumping all that junk you don't need or no longer use. It may not save you money if you don't use it for a home business, but it can load your computer down. And really, you don't necessarily need a schedule. If you notice that your computer's moving a bit on the slow side, then it's time.

But if you're forgetful like me, then it might be a good idea to mark it on your calendar. And if you have teens living at home, it might be a really good idea. Kids like saving stuff they know they'll use only once, especially music downloads. And for moms, that's always automatic extra work, cause, let's face it, kids think it's your job to clean up after them anyway.

Think of your tune ups and such as doctor visits, because basically your body is a biological machine. And if you can afford check ups, you get them, as a preventive measure, before something goes wrong. And if you don't, any issues are liable to only get worse, and cost you much more than if you had checked it out earlier. Most machines are the same, but not all. If your stereo broke down, most of us would simply replace it, because it'd probably be cheaper. But for bigger purchases, please do save yourself some cash, and strife by taking them for their check up!

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Glorious Food?

We all know it's faster than cooking at home, but is it really worth it? I'd have to say no. And even though I'm a thin woman, I still feel guilty after consuming fast food. Why? Simple, all the meat tends to be 'mystery meat', and I've shelled out my cash when I have food already paid for at home.

But, when I do go, I usually say, split a large fry between the kids and I. Get a $1 chicken sandwich for myself, then give them half a $1 cheese burger, and maybe some nuggets too. Sounds like a lot, but I lean toward the dollar menu, and individual kids' meals don't fill them up, and actually cost more. --If I were to get those, they'd cry, "Mom, I'm hungry !", an hour later.

Besides, that means two less toys I have to trip over in the middle of the night on my way to the bathroom. But I do have to say, I only go in this direction at most, 4x's a month. When, a few years ago, we used to get fast food about 3x's per week on average. It might cause some pouting, but they have to settle for McMommy's for the most part. And they're actually learning that no means no. Yeah, it's easier to give in, but if I always gave in, or did it a lot, then we'd loose out on more important things, and I think they wouldn't respect me as much if I were a push over.

And I tend to cook healthier meals, and know exactly what's in them.

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